Friday, August 08, 2008

Say Something Nice...

So, according to someone that reads this blog, the contents are indicative of me being mentally unstable.

They've obviously overlooked the disclaimer on things, and taken the contents as being the whole of my thoughts/feelings on the matters i've discussed, instead of understanding that the things written here are the stray thought processes I generally recognize as being unproductive, and need to dump out somewhere so they don't hurt my every day life.

But hey, if they "want to take that tone," fine. I will do my best to ignore it, and move on. I don't need the added drama and stress and the feeling like a worthless human being that comes from the conversations had with that person.

I am doing what I can to make the best out of the mess that is my life. Anyone who takes issue with how I go about it can take a flying leap off a sky scraper for all I care. Yes, I've made mistakes, or taken too long to do some things. But I am doing the best I can with what I have. I've never claimed to be perfect, or all knowing, or infallible... You either accept me, flaws and all, or you don't. And if you don't, then I don't care to interact with you. Negative comments, accusations, and brow beating are the absolute last things I need in my life at this point, or ever for that matter. I've dealt with enough bullshit to last 3 lifetimes, and I'm not even halfway through my own yet, and I've made the decision to not put up with any more.

So, for those of you in my life (either by relation, or by choice), you have two options. Say something nice, or keep your fucking mouth shut.