Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Okay, not the totally in depth material that I've been churning out latley, but I had to brag. I just HAD to!

I have an interview tomorrow!! *jumps up and down excitedly*

Okay, so last week I sent out those seven applications, and today I got a response back from one asking if I'd be free for an phone interview tomorrow afternoon.

Well of COURSE I am!! Duh!!

You know, I'm not even nervous. I'm just thrilled that I got a response. My resume' and Melissa's cover letter were good enough to get me an interview! Woohoo!!

So yeah, I'm bouncing off the walls with glee... though, I think that the extra cup of coffee I had today might have just the teeniest tiniest bit to do with that...

Wish me oodles of luck!!

1 comment:

  1. *Cat jumps up and down in excitement*

    great news there!!!!

    lots and lots and lots of luck to you!!

    Cat xx
