Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Day For New Things

Today has been a day for new things.

This morning on the way to work, I started a new (new to me anyway) Terry Pratchett Disc World novel called "Thief of Time." As is typical with Terry Pratchett, several stories are being told all at the same time, so the 45 pages I am into it already haven't told me too much. Or rather, they have told me too much... Of the wrong sort of thing for me to make out the immediate plot. That may not sound like a good writing style, but really, its rather ingenious, in that it catches your attention well enough and makes you wonder well enough that you are compelled to keep reading to find out what in the fuck is going on.

When I got to work, I was rushed into an emergency meeting in which I was assigned a new supervisor, and new "team" (whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean). Thankfully I'm familiar with the woman who's going to be my new supervisor, and her "team," so I'm not all in the dark... But the funny thing is that while I'm being transitioned to my new supervisor, I am not yet transitioned into my new position... Nor am I transitioned into the new organization. Fun shit.

After I got out of that meeting, I was dragged to another meeting in which the "new organization" was "officially launched" (again, whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean). This meeting lasted an hour and a half, and was followed by a "congratulatory BBQ" for the entire department. Most of the food sucked ass, which was NOT new, as they always use this particular caterer, with this exact menu, for every "staff appreciation luncheon," and it ALWAYS sucks ass. Except for the coleslaw, which is usually pretty damned good. The new part was the level of suckage that the potato salad attained. I have never had worse, not ever, from anywhere. Bleh.

When I finally got done with that, I found a voicemail waiting for me telling me that my new glasses had arrived and were ready for me to pick up (a week early), so I headed over to the optometry school for some more immensely wonderful personal service, and I'm now trying to get used to the things. Not only are they new glasses, with a new prescription, but they're a new shape as well, and have new features (such as photosensitive, and anti-reflective coatings). And while the world is looking remarkably clearer for the most part, I'm still getting used to seeing the edges of my glasses all up in my field of vision. Let me tell you -- that is NOT fun. It totally weirds me out, and has me thinking that I've got my glasses too far down on my nose or something, even though they're not. I do look amazingly cute in them though, so I'm not actually complaining... Just saying that the experience is a new one.

So yeah, lots of new things today.

Yes, I remember that I promised a post about the whole breakdown thingy... I haven't forgotten. I may write that later on, as there is literally nothing I can work on today because both the accounting system and the financial reporting system are down for the next week. FIIK how I'm going to get anything done... It may all just have to wait til next week. *shrug* Not my fault.


  1. oh i haven't read that particular tp book yet - just reading the grim reaper - but i will keep going back and reading wyrd sisters - that is just soooooo my book!!! i won't say which one i am, suffice to say i am one of them *giggles*

    so glad i'm out of the world of meetings - i left corporate anonymity a long time ago (just trying to work out how long ago and thats quite scary...) and the one thing i don't miss is the meetings. we had good lunches though, with chicken pakora and spring rolls and stuff - now that i do miss. and there is nothing worse than a bad potato salad. well ok there are lots of things worse than a bad potato salad but when its lunchtime and you want pototo salad, its pretty bad when its bad, if you get my meaning?

    good news about the cute new glasses though - i really should wear mine before i lose my vision entirely - i just forget - how lame an excuse is that?

    so i'm waffling aimlessly and my comment is almost as long as your post *laughs*

    reminds me of a comment my english language tutor once wrote on a short story of mine. i think it was on page 15 (all a4) that he commented - 'i'm really enjoying this short story, but perhaps you may consider brevity at some point'

    ok i'd better go before i break the comment box - i'm killing time until someone (she knows who she is) gets out of the shower so i can open my parcel......

    *waves goodbye*

    cat xx

  2. You crack me up. Sorry about being stuck in meeting hell. I'm in the corporate world, but I'm a contractor which means that I don't really have to participate - thank gawd!

    *wishing I had new glasses*
