Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Um... Suggestions Anyone?

You know, I've always considered myself in pretty good health, but lately I'm starting to wonder if that's an accurate assessment. I don't have anything life threatening wrong with me, and my doctor always gives me a clean bill of health when I have a check up (which I do have yearly), but I always seem to have some sort of small health annoyance going on, and almost never feel perfectly fine. There's always something that hurts, or I have a cold, or my allergies are acting up, or I just generally feel run down... I've even had aquaintances inquire whether I have something systemic to blame for my constant list of complaints.

Take today for example: My allergies are still bothering me (small cough), I have a headache that won't quit, my stomach is queasy, my shoulder and neck ache, and my knee still hurts from Saturday. Overall, I just feel crappy. And thats the norm for me.

Thing is, theres nothing major wrong with me physically that would cause such a constant level of discomfort. I do have old injuries that act up occasionally (the shoulder and the knees), and I do have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome)... But the old injuries only explain the body aches, and the PCOS symptoms are either sporadic, or for the most part unnoticable.

Headaches and upset tummies are becoming a regular thing for me, instead of an exception... And I have to wonder whats up with that. The headaches aren't eye strain related. I just had that optometrist appointment, and there was barely a change in my prescription. So small a change, in fact, that the doctor said I didn't even need to get new glasses (I am anyway because I want some that are more stylish, have that photo sensitive stuff, and are non-reflective). And the headaches show up whether or not my allergies are being bitchy, so its not that either.

As for the tummy thing: I eat pretty healthy. I don't overdo sugar or greasy stuff or anything else. So I haven't a clue whats causing all that.

Except... Maybe... Stress? Its hard to think of stress having such a physical manifestation like that, but thats got to be it, right? I mean, like I said, theres nothing else wrong with me that would explain it. I've heard of people breaking out in rashes from stress, having heart attacks from stress, fainting from stress, all sorts of things. So maybe the whole being back at work thing might finally be starting to take its toll on me in more than just a mental way? But how do I do anything about that? I have to work -- I need an income, and sitting at home all day gets real boring real fast. I've never been very much good at the whole "de-stressing" thing... My mind is a little too overactive for that. But I try to distract myself as much as possible -- by listening to music (er, blaring metal more like -- and no, thats not causing the headaches either!), reading, watching TV or movies, and occasionally getting myself a bit tipsy... And it works in the moment. But the second I stop, everything comes flooding back, and I'm beyond tense again. Bleh.

Any suggestions???


  1. tess, babe, yes stress does manifest itself physically - i see the results of that all day and every day.

    the most common manifestations (although by no means all of them) include...

    *headaches and migraines
    *tummy upsets through to irritable bowel syndrome
    *eczema and other skin complaints
    *asthma and breathing difficulties

    sound familiar?

    now i could be trite and just tell you to relax. but i won't. wish i could have an hour with you though, on a purely professional basis, if it is stress-induced then that hour would go a long way to sorting it out.

    other things to consider though - food intolerances - wheat gets me like this (damn and i love bread) as does dairy products. also check out your iron levels.

    ok, thats enough, hopping back out of therapist mode to offer you a hug, hope you feel better soon

    cat xx

  2. Really I should see a chiropractor about my shoulder and neck...

    And I've gotten suggestions about accupuncture, accupressure, or just normal deep tissue massage and reflexology...

    I think the best suggestion I've had so far was sex. Its amazing how much getting off really does to relax a person -- and it gets rid of headaches too!


  3. I have a whole theory about sex and relaxation - you're quite right, its one of the most relaxing things you can do. Well clearly not at the time.... but afterwards, all those sleepy muscles....and the release of all those lovely hormones. Go for it, after all, its purely therapeutic...

    oh and just as an aside - reflexology - has to be up there as my favourite touchy therapy of all time. get yourself a good refelxologist and its almost as good as good sex.

    note i said almost...

    take care

    cat xx
