I know. I haven't been posting.
You guys have been great, checking up on me after disappearing for so long. I'd probably have forgotten about me by now, honestly.
To those wondering:
I'm going through some really heavy life shit. Too heavy for me to really feel comfortable posting about fully yet. It's rather been consuming what little life I had to begin with, so there's not been anything else to say... And the effort to think of something has been beyond me.
Suffice it to say, I'm not working. I've been diagnosed with a permanent incurable medical condition. No, not cancer. I'm all fine on that front. But it took them this long to actually come up with a diagnosis, and I haven't quite wrapped my mind around it yet. My concentration sucks. My typing sucks just as badly. And I haven't been my witty self in months. I'm sure I'll get back to posting regularly eventually. Maybe this post is the first step to that. I don't know. Its just... This blog was for "brain spillage." And right now, I'm afraid to purposefully put a crack into that dam -- if you get what i mean. Maybe you don't. I'm not making sense and I know it.
Anyway... I'm ok. I'm not going to die. Nothing fatal is going on.
Those of you who have my email can feel free to circulate it to anyone who wants to get ahold of me personally. I'm okay with that :)
Again, its really sweet of you guys to worry. I appreciate it :)