Friday, July 15, 2005

spam and ramen noodles

alright. i know i've been incommunicado for quite some time. and really you all who still stop by here to check up on me deserve more info than i currently have the opportunity to share. i'm back at work... yes... finally. yesterday was my first day back actually... and let me tell you... i have never had so much email in my inbox in my life. 4000 emails were waiting for me when i logged in [yes you read that right -- FOUR THOUSAND], 3000 of which were spam.


i hate spam. not the canned stuff, [that can be cool sometimes, you know, when you're dirt poor and need something to mix with your ramen noodles...] the "cram your email inbox full of ads inviting you to enlarge the penis you never had, and refinance the mortgage you have on your rat hole of an apt" type.

but yeah, so that left 1000 actual emails for me to deal with... wow. it took me from 8am to 3pm to sort through it all [not that i'm actually complaining, cuz that just means i didnt have to do any real work ;)].

oh, and i'm completely without yahoo at work now, thanks to whatever it is they did to the firewalls while i was gone. i cant even get the web messenger to connect. and forget about launchcast... that wont work either. so i'm relegated to "msn radio" [oh gag me] which plays the same 15 songs over and over all day long [please, even my home made mix cd's have more variety than that!] and has no chat option. dammit. i guess i'm just going to have to accomplish something instead of chatting all day.
[unless i decide to just blog all day instead, and mess around on -- which, by the way, this is also being simulcast on. yay me, i'm self-syndicated].

anywhich. i cant make heads or tails of what i'm supposed to be doing here at work now. they rearranged my workload, and so i dont even know who's funds i have anymore... dont know which professors i work for, or which grants administrators... and yet, they're all emailing me suddenly, asking for stuff. do i assume that the ones emailing are the ones i work for? or do i assume that due to lack of communication, those are the ones i DONT work for anymore, and ignore their emails? hmmm. food for thought.

yeah so... is it hard to believe that i was actually happy to come back to work? [i actually was... until i GOT here] eh. the people are kinda nice, and i have a better supervisor now [my old one quit, after fukking up my disability paperwork], and a better desk too!
[one that people cant sneak up on me and spy on me at, so its easier to get away with goofing off... SWEET]

alright. i've had about enough of this for now. [i'm going back to to see what all is happening in the onrunning "yo momma" joke on one of the tribes i subscribe to] i'll fill you all in a little better on the wheres, whys, and whatfors regarding my extended absence [blah, i'm back into work-speak mode already... lovely].

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