Monday, July 25, 2005

Dating Sucks [and not in the good way!]

yes, everyone says this, constantly. well, except for the rare few who actually enjoy not having someone to share their lives with... but they're nuts anyway, so i won't count them.

i am beyond frustrated with dating. its like, i can catagorize every man i meet into one of two "types", and none of them are what i really truly want.

type 1 -- whiny lil bitches. this type is made up of sub catagories, as follows:

A. carbon copies of my ex husband. this is a very scary catagory, because, well, one of him is more than enough for the world. one of him was more than enough for me, period. i dont need ANOTHER of him in my life [not romantically, i mean. guys like him make decent friends though] EVER. not to say that he's a bad guy... he's not. he's just not for me. at all. whatsoever. get me?

B. sex fiends. yes, who am i to judge, i know i know. but here's the thing. i admit fully to loving sex. but that's not all i want from someone. i want a relationship, to spend time just talking. i don't want a 3am booty call, i don't want a fuck friend, i dont want a bed buddy. i want a BOY FRIEND.

C. the "marry me now" type. these guys scare the shit out of me, because... well... they're actively looking for a WIFE. and i really dont plan on being one of those ever again... unless someone can really make it worth my while anyway... and i dont see that happening any time soon. i've got my one kid. i'm happy with him. i don't need more. i don't need a husband. i've had one of those, and one was enough for me (see above, type 1). half the time these guys are dudes from india or pakistan who seem to want greencards. dont get me wrong here. i don't have anything against dudes from india or pakistan. i just have a problem when they want to marry me for a greencard. [see, not a racist thing... an undue demand thing]

D. lolita complexes. what is a lolita complex? have you never read the book?? alright alright, for the record... men with lolita complexes are men who lust after girls young enough to be [or younger than -- EW] their daughters. i run away from these guys as fast as i can. they just make me think pedofile... and thats creepy as shit. yeah. really really creepy and gross too.


type 2 [which i cant seem to find... ANYWHERE] is the sweet, funny, self sufficient, intelligent [yet not a genius], strong spirited, alpha male type...

where are all these men? i'm sorry, but the bay area is just full of whiny lil bitches... and i want a man, not a whiny lil bitch. if i wanted a whiny lil bitch, i'd go be a lesbian Dominatrix, and be done with it.

so... if you are reading this... and happen to be type 2... and are in the least bit interested... check out my
personals profile

bleh... again... dating sucks... and really, not in the good way at all.

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