Monday, August 01, 2005

Death By Cover Letter

yeah, the title of this post pretty much sums it up. i hate writing cover letters. i hate having to try and sell myself, as if i'm a used fiat needing an owner. not to mention, i'm extremely BAD at writing cover letters. i never know what the fuck to say. it always ends up sounding so fake... like... fuck, i dont even know.

yes. i'm frustrated.

i've been trying to write this damned cover letter for weeks. WEEKS. and i havent gotten past the "to whom it may concern." i want to scream. i want to cry. hell, i have cried, and probably will again. i dont know why this is so hard for me. i really dont.

why do i make these things into such a big deal anyway? its just a stupid letter... why get all upset over it? well...

the thing is, i'm not upset that i have to write the letter. i'm upset that me, the writer, ms. eloquence herself, is at a complete loss for words. when the hell am i EVER at a loss for words? NEVER. i can always write something. always. but write a cover letter? i lose all ability to articulate.

does anyone else have this problem? or is it just me? I mean... could someone write this damned thing FOR me please??? cuz i cant do it. i just cant. i stare at the computer screen, and the emptyness of the page haunts me.

"to whom it may concern:

i cant write cover letters for shit, so here's a list of the things i'm good at. and dont ask me why i wanna work for your damned company, because really, i'm just looking for a bigger paycheck than the one i'm currently getting, and i dont care where it comes from.

ms. eloquence herself

enclosure: list of things i'm good at -- aka, my resume"

do you think that would fly? probably not right? especially with the profanity in there huh? yeah i thought not... oh well.

seriously tho... anyone who's good at this... anyone who knows how to write a decent cover letter thats halfway generic (i'm applying for multiple positions within the same organization), yet still specific enough that it doesnt seem like a form letter... ANYONE. please.



  1. Alright, I feel your pain and that's why I'm going to give you a solid framework to start with. Rule #1 - never be afraid to tell them that they want you. Rule #2 - don't reveal too much, just create a "tease", develop some interest so that they want to talk to you in person... the ever elusive interview. Ready? Here we go:

    Good day (can be whatever sentiment you want, I happen to think that TWIMC is too stiff, no personality) -

    I saw your posting for (insert position here) on (insert website here or modify sentence to reflect how you learned of said position) and I would like the opportunity to speak with you about why I am a good fit for (company/organization's name)'s needs. (list your attributes very generally along these lines...) My experience spans project management and administrative positions in the real estate and retail industries. I have the attention to detail to get the job done, and I bring a true team player's attitude to the table.

    My resume is attached for your review. Please feel free to contact me anytime on my cell phone (insert #), home phone (insert #), or email (insert address).

    Thank you,
    The Best Damn Candidate You've Ever Seen, Beeyotch

    Alright, maybe tone that last part down, but you get my drift. Don't be afraid to sell yourself a little.

  2. Thank you SO MUCH.

    That is the best advice on writing a cover letter I've ever gotten. This will make writing this thing sooooo much easier...

    Thank you again!
