Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I Am Bored

This whole not being able to work thing is really starting to drive me a little insane. I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to bitch about work on here anymore. But this is driving me a bit bonkers, and if I don't say something somewhere, I'm going to lose my mind completely.

I have a really strong work ethic. I like to keep busy. But I'm being barred from being my naturally productive self, my only outlet for the past week and a half being this blog.

The myriad of managerial mishaps have multiplied as well... Now they're magically filling positions that haven't even been posted on the job site, and announcing filled positions before telling all the applicants that they didnt get the job... rude and unprofessional is what that is, but mostly flat out rude.

And the elevator is broken AGAIN.

And they approved vacation for two of the four people left in my department for the SAME WEEK. As if we're not understaffed enough as it is. God Dammit.

Fuck it. I'm going home. I've had it. Screw 'em.

1 comment:

  1. *hands Tess a hot drink and a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie*

    breathe, Tess

    Cat xx
