Thursday, August 18, 2005

Okay Folks...

I know I've got some new regular readers out there... my Sitemeter tells me so.

So people... Do me a favor and comment. Seriously. Lets get some discussion going. Rip my posts to shreds. Tell me I'm full of shit. Something.

Don't make me beg... Eventhough I know there are some of you out there who get off on that kind of thing *wink wink*


  1. ooooohh Tess, I love a bit of ripping...

    but hun - you talk so much sense!

    so - talk about something controversial then, and I'll see what I can do...

    cat xx

  2. actually, on second thoughts....

    go on....

    let me hear you beg...


    cat xx

  3. dang, you mean I have to post bullshit to get a decent conversation going here?

    well hell...

    *goes off to browse the news for something to make fun of*

  4. OK, how this for a topic of conversation....

    Your blog title ... What kind of Bacardi? Regular? Razz? O? 151 (good shit served flambe)?

  5. Bacardi limon, ice ICE cold. Cuz thats my fave bacardi.

    Yes, I know, bacardi limon straight tastes like pledge. But thats better than any of the other flavors, IMO.
