Friday, August 19, 2005

Metrosexual Military?

Okay, so in the hopes of sparking some sort of discussion... I went searching through the news for something to write about. Now, I could have picked the article about the diaper that was mistaken for a bomb... which was rather funny... but this one... this one is amazingly odd.

Britain is now arming its men, not with better fire arms, but with anti bacterial underwear. Yeah, you read that right. The article goes on to say that the underwear is designed so that the seams 'dont chafe' and also that the underwear is 'unisex.' Um. Aren't there more important things in war to worry about than whether or not your underwear chafes? The anti-bacterial thing I can see, being its war, and there are no showers in war... or laundromats... but since when is CHAFING a military concern?? And they've got "combat sandals" and wrap around sun glasses as well!! What on earth? Has the military gone metrosexual?? These soldiers are going to end up better dressed than I am! I can see it now:

British GI (in as flame-y a voice possible): "Oh I just LOVE these new uniforms... They don't chafe at all! But, Seargent? This color clashes with my eyes... Do be a doll and get get me one in blue?"


I did think the comment about how the British military used to complain that their boots would MELT in the heat... man, can you imagine? Walking down the street and having your boot stick to the pavement?

So now the British military says that their troops are "among the best equipped in the world, ready to face environments ranging from desert conditions in Iraq, monsoon conditions in Brunei, to winter in the Balkans" -- but he forgot to mention how prepared they'll be for the gay sex club scene in SF. Haha. Alright, that was wrong of me... but really... combat sandals... I can't get over that...

1 comment:

  1. *laughs so hard I spit my herbal tea out over the keyboard....*

    well, I'll watch out for them, Tess, in their combat sandals - and I have a friend in the army over here - maybe I'll just give him a quick call and ask him about his underwear....

    cat xx
