Friday, October 07, 2005

Between A Rock And A Hard Place

I don't know how you do it. All you people who are faithful to the jobs you hate so much. How do you get up every morning and make yourself get to the office on time? How do you convince yourselves to do the work you find so monotonous, and such a waste of your talent? How do you do it, day after day, not taking time off?

Don't you ever resent your job, your supervisors, for wasting your life? Don't you ever find yourself wishing you could just quit? Wishing that you could stay out all night on a Wednesday and not have to worry about aking up the next morning, or having to work all day with a hang over? Envying those friends who have their dream jobs, who can work whatever hours they want, who telecommute while lounging by the pool?

I hate my job. I find myself resenting every minute I spend in my office; resenting it for everything I give up just to be able to show up here. The parties, the trips to tahoe, the late night social gatherings, the sleep, the time... Most of all the time. God the things I could do if I only had the time...

It feels like my potential sufferes and bleeds away with every second I spend at this job. And yet, without the paycheck it generates, I wouldn't have the money to do any of the things I want to do. Hell, even with the paycheck I don't have the money to do half the things I want to do.

I work, so I can afford the life I want... I work, so I don't have time to live the life I want.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place... Perpetually.


  1. I've often thought about that myself.

    My mother used to work two and sometimes three jobs so we could do "fun" things, but when the rest of us were ready to do those "fun" things, she was too tired from working her ass off to do anything. Or she'd work equally as hard to do "fun" things and then spend the money on having ceramic tile installed or something else done.


  2. yeah, I can relate...I'm sick of it.
