Friday, October 21, 2005

Blogging Bind

I haven't really had much to say here lately... My mind has, for the most part, been caught up in other people's lives, and my focus has been on being there for them in whatever way I can. Instead of looking inward, I've been looking out, and now I'm in a bit of a blogging bind. You see, all the people that I'm talking about read this blog, and now I find myself thinking about how what I say here might affect them. I don't feel I can be as open as I usually am, because it might impact them, or the relationships I have with them, which is not my intention here. On the other hand, this is MY blog, and its here that I generally get stuff off my chest, whether it be good, or bad. Aside from making sure not to name names, or otherwise give out any personal information, I've never censored myself, and I don't want to start. It would defeat the purpose of the blog if I did.

So here's my solution. I'm going to remind you, now, that this blog is much like a personal journal for me. I share it this way because... Well, I don't really know why I share it this way. Maybe I'm practicing letting myself be vulnerable. Maybe I'm tired of hiding everything I think and feel. Maybe I want there to be an easy way for people to see the real me. Maybe all of those, maybe none. It doesn't matter really. What matters is that, as you're reading this, you take it all with a grain of salt and remember that this is just the brain spillage of someone who feels the world around her a little more than she knows how to handle sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said, beauty. This is your space. The audience are just visitors, voyeurs, intrusions even when they're invited. Say what you want and feel what you feel, and if that leaves you a little more befuddled on Tuesday than it did last Friday, then it is what it is. I mean to say that I hope you can continue to use this space as an outlet. Everyone needs one (or five) and I completely understand what you mean about not saying what you really want to because of the possible reactions... but your words are yours. And your opinions and emotions may change from day to day. There's no shame in chronicling them.
