Tuesday, September 04, 2007

You Can Say "Ass" On TV...

But you can't say "asshole."

Apparently "hole" became profanity while I wasn't looking, because the censored part of "asshole" is not the "ass" part, but instead is the "hole" part.

I guess I'm going to have to start censoring the word "hole" out of any office communications I make...

In the mean time, it's nice to know that the FCC thinks it's perfectly acceptible for me to call someone an ass, as long as I don't get any more specific about exactly which part of an ass they are.


  1. So it's okay to say you're the whole ass, just not the asshole.

  2. What about "asshat"?
    I use that all the time.
    Of course, that is probably because of all the asshats I happen to encounter on a day-to-day basis.

  3. Not sure on "asshat" as I haven't had the occasion to see it used on network television... But I'm going to have to assume that if it were, they'd censor the "hat" part, since saying "ass" is apparently completely acceptible... o.O
