Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Alright, so I haven't posted here in forever.

I was going to delete this thing actually, and start fresh, but it was too much work to try and figure out how to introduce myself again... So yeah, laziness FTW (that means for the win, btw).

You might notice some changes in my vocabulary... I've been spending way too much time on the forums for WoW (World of Warcraft), and I'm absorbing gamer speak.


I haven't really thought of anything to write.

And I don't know if anyone except K comes around here anymore...

So maybe writing something would be pointless.

I dunno.

I think my overall attitude has changed as well. Life has put me through hell, and its showing. Even the BF says I seem darker now.

Given all that's gone on (and I'll get to that eventually I suppose) it's not surprising really. Or maybe it is. Some people go through these things and become bright, cheery, happy-go-lucky people. But I've never really tended towards the bright cheery stuff, so I'm not surprised I got darker.

Mostly I think I'm just more tired. Tired of a lot of things. I don't have the patience I used to, nor the mercy. I'm tired of dealing with all the things that go wrong, tired of dealing with all the stupid people, tired of dealing with the cockamamie laws, and the political climate where I live. I'm tired of getting up to go to work in the morning. I'm tired of public transit, and traffic, and doing dishes, and doing laundry, and taking care of other people.

I'm tired of being the mom; the grown up. I'm always the grown up. Or at least, it seems that way for such a vast majority of the time that it may as well be "always."

I'm tired, and jaded, and generally unhappy. Not depressed mind you, though I do have my bouts with that still, but unhappy. As in, not content. As in, pissed off.

I don't like myself very much right now...

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