Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Medical Update

Alright, for those of you who have been pestering me to find out what in the hell is wrong with me:

Last week the headaches got worse, and started becoming accompanied by mild bloody noses when I woke up. Let me say that there is no nastier way to wake up than waking up to find your nose full of blood clot. Ew. Then I started getting dizzy, and my appetite dropped off so I was really only hungry once a day. Yesterday, when I woke up, the bloody nose hadn't quite abated, and kept on at a trickle until my workday was almost over. I called the doctor.

My appointment was first thing this morning... Not the way I usually like to start my day... But I did wind up getting a laugh while waiting for my exam. In the next room over was an older gentleman, perhaps about 55 or 60, who was in for a follow up of some sort. I know this, because the walls in the office are so thin that I could hear every single word him and the doc said. I wasn't exactly eavesdropping... But there was nothing to do while I waited, so I listened a bit... And nearly fell off the exam table laughing when I heard the doctor say "alright then, assume the position!" and the patient say "that's not funny!" The poor guy was getting a prostate exam, and I was hearing every word! I'll skip the boring details about the man's enlarged prostate... It wasn't the least bit interesting. What was funny however, was when the doctor was walking the man out to the desk, I over heard him say "well, I've had a great start to my morning... Was it as good for you as it was for me?" I nearly died. Especially since the doc came straight in to see me afterwards, and made a show of washing his hands extra well! LOL.

But yeah, back to the stuff you all really want to hear about. I'm fine. I'm not dying, I don't have a brain tumor, my brain isn't leaking out my nose. I have an inner ear infection thats been flying under the radar (no fever, etc.), and the headaches are tension headaches.

So now, I'm on antibiotics, and muscle relaxers, and I should be just fine in a few days.

See? Nothing to worry about. Don't you all feel silly?


  1. do we feel silly?

    erm that would be a big fat no then tess.

    inner ear infections = nasty stuff

    when you are fully recovered remind me to tell you what can happen with an unchecked inner ear infection.

    keep on top of this - if it doesn't get 100% better very very soon then get back to the dr - these things are not to be trifled with, miss 'blase-it's-only-an-ear-infection'

    from stroppy, but concerned cat xx

    p.s. don't take that as genuine stroppiness, i was just worried xx

  2. An ear infection, compared to the nearly lethal bouts of pneumonia I've had, (and the bronchitis, and sinus infections so bad they threatened to drill a hole in my face to drain it) is a very little thing.

    I'm fully aware of the hearing loss that can result of untreated ear infections, and the vertigo they can contribute to, as well as the overall fear of the infection spreading elsewhere.

    Its just that compared to all the horrible things I've ever been sick with, an ear infection really is a little thing... And as long as its being treated properly, its not something I need to re-write my will over.

    I am keeping my eye on it though (well not literally... ), because I've never had an ear infection cause nose bleeds before, and thats not a typical symptom. I also remember seeing a guy in an ER once who had some weird infection in a section of his head that the Dr. oh so tactfully (not) referred to as "the triangle of death"... And my weird nose bleed symptoms are more similar to that.

    I'm giving the antibiotics 72 hrs from the time I started taking them, and if they aren't doing the trick, I'm going back to the doc.

    I'm practically an expert at this stuff now... Can't count how many times I've had a sinus infection or bronchitis... Anywhich, really, no worries. Imma be fine.
