Monday, September 26, 2005

My Day Is Being Totally Wasted

I spent most of my morning in a class learning how to use the new AP/AR system (web-based, PeopleSoft 8.8), only, I didn't need to take the stupid class because web-based applications (and indeed, most software) is intuitive for me to operate. Sit me down in front of a new program, give me an hour or so to play with it, and I'm good to go. Classes are generally pretty pointless for me unless they're going into the really advanced stuff, and even then, I do better with a manual than I do with a lecture or even a hands on tutorial.

I'm not entirely sure why I learn better from books, but I think it has something to do with my almost photographic memory. I just retain more of what I read, and I understand it better. I'm not sure why. That's just the way I am.

I also learn better if I have to puzzle something out on my own, as in, not having someone give me step by step instructions, but actually having to figure the steps out myself. Just like having to get lost a couple of times to really learn your way around a town.

Anyway, I have another class this afternoon which is an even bigger waste of time because its training for not only a web-based system, but a web-based system I already know how to use. Pointless I tell you, pointless. And its a damned THREE HOUR class. Oh dear god, please someone kill me now. It only took me 15 minutes to figure out the thing the first time round. Now I get to spend THREE HOURS "re-learning" the piece of shit application. Gawd.

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