Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My "Cingularly" Wretched Experience With Cingular:

-- The following is a true account. It has not been embellished or enhanced in any way. Only personal information such as account numbers, names, and dollar amounts have been omitted for my privacy. --

On Sunday, I placed an online order with Cingular Wireless for a cell phone, and service. Shortly thereafter I received my order confirmation which stated that everything was copasetic, and I would receive my order in 3-5 business days. 10 minutes after that, I got an email stating that I needed to pay a security deposit of an unspecified amount within 7 days, or my order would be cancelled.

Confused, I called the customer service number:

Me (after navigating voice recognition menu trees in vain): Hi, I received an email stating that I need to pay a security deposit?
Customer Service Rep: Oh, no you don't actually. That email was sent in error.
Me: Really?
CSR: Yes. The actual issue on the account is that there was a problem with the system in recognizing your legal name.
Me: Oh?
CSR: Have you changed your name recently?
Me: Uh... Like 5 years ago...
CSR: Okay, so can you please verify your legal name for me? It didn't register in the system.
Me: (states my name)
CSR: That's your full legal name?
Me: Uh, yeah. Thats what's on my social security card, and my ID, and my credit card...
CSR: Okay thanks. I'll reprocess the order.
Me: So... I don't need to pay a security deposit?
CSR: No, you don't.
Me: So why did I get an email saying I did?
CSR: That was a computer glitch. The system didn't register your current legal name, so it sent out an email to say there was a problem with the account. It sent the wrong email. We've been getting these calls all day.
Me: Oh, Ok. So really, no security deposit?
CSR: Thats right.
... blah blah, end call.

Okay, great. Problem solved. Or so I thought. I check my email this morning to find another email from Cingular, dated monday, that says: Because we haven't heard from you in a few days, your online order has been cancelled. WHAT?? I just talked to them on Sunday!

So I call customer service AGAIN:

CSR: How can I help you today?
Me: I got an email...
CSR: Oh yes, your account is showing that you need to pay a security deposit.
Me: What?
CSR: We need an "X" dollar security deposit per line on your account.
Me: Alright, now I'm a little frustrated here... I placed this order on Sunday. I got the confirmation email. Then I got an email asking for a deposit. When I called to make that deposit, I was was told that I didn't need to make a deposit, that all I needed to do was verify my legal name...
CSR (interrupting): Let me consult with my support resource...
Me (interrupting right back): Wait one minute please, I'm not finished.
CSR: Sorry Ma'am.
Me: Now the reason I'm calling today, is because I got an email from you people saying that because you hadn't heard from me in a few days, my order had been cancelled. And now you're telling me that I got that email because theres a deposit owed on my account that I was assured on Sunday I DIDN'T have to pay?? What exactly is the problem here?
CSR: Let me consult with my support resource...
Me (noticably annoyed): Fine.
-- Hold for a minute or two --
CSR: Okay, so when you verified your legal name, the system re-ran the credit check, which is why you're now showing you need to pay a deposit.
Me: So why didn't I get an email saying that??
CSR: Um, it was a computer glitch.
Me (now rather irate): I know this isn't your fault, and I don't mean to take it out on you...
CSR: Yes Ma'am.
Me: But this is ridiculous. If you people can't even get your computer system to work right, why on earth do I want phone service from you??
CSR: Uhhh...
Me: Look, just cancel my order. I'm not comfortable doing business with your company.
CSR: Yes Ma'am, I'm cancelling it now.
Me: Thank you.
... blah blah... end call.

Let me just say:

A tech company that cannot even get their automated email system to work correctly does not deserve my business.

A tech company that cannot properly interface with the social security agency system does not deserve my business.

A company of any sort that does not appologize for its errors, or try to make some sort of amends for my resulting inconveniences does not deserve my business.

I personally provide a very high level of customer service to the people that I deal with, and I am never anything but professional. I always appologize immediately for any problems my "clients" encounter, whether or not those problems are my fault (they very rarely are). And any company that cannot offer ME that level of service will not get my business. Even if that means I have to pay higher rates elsewhere. Even if that means I have to get something different from what I originally wanted. Even if that means I have to do without a product or service entirely.

Needless to say, I won't be doing business with Cingular again... Bleh.


  1. As Joe Pesci says in Lethal Weapon 3 (or maybe it's 4, I don't recall), "That's how they fuck you. They fuck you with the cell phones." Sadly, it's utterly true.

  2. grrr

    they must be related to vodaphone then.

    i hate mobile phone companies.

    i spend an inordinately large amount of money each month on mobile phone calls - my last bill was screech-inducingly high. so i ask for a new handset as my old one is - well - old. to be told that i can't have it unless i'm a new customer (they get it free) or i pay £85. grrr

  3. Yeah, cell phone companies have a tendency to fuck you in the ass with a sand paper condom.

    I may just wait and not get one for a while longer. I don't think I can stand the reaming I'd get.
