Wednesday, September 28, 2005

One Year Anniversary

Today, is the one year anniversary for my blog. Well... of its existance anyway... I didn't post for a good 5 months, so... well... yeah anyway. One year. Wow. Who knew.

In celebration of my one year anniversary, I'm going to share this funny story of two people who are way too easily amused, and have a tendency to twist things towards the sexual side of life.

The guy I'm seeing and I were driving back to my place the other night, mispronouncing the exit signs on purpose, just for shits and giggles, when we passed a sign saying "oakland zoo and airport next exit." Conversation ensued about how odd it would be to have a zoo in an airport... And then conversation about bringing the animals on the plane. My response?

"Putting a petting zoo on an airplane would bring a whole new meaning to joining the mile high club"

*big grin*

I'm soooo bad. LOL


  1. I love it when you're gross. And brilliant. HA!

    P.S. Glad you're not bleeding profusely from the brain region anymore. ;)
