Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Feeling Better Than Ever! =O

I have finally, FINALLY, discovered the one and only good use for MySpace.

The sole purpose of this site is so that those of us who have gone on to make something of their lives can go back and look up the people who treated us like shit in the past, and laugh at how sucky their lives are now.

Yes. Yes. You have to make a myspace account to do this. I know that for most of you this is akin to not just selling your soul to the devil, but to selling your soul to the devil, gift wrapping it, and shipping it to him for free. But take my word for it. Its fucking worth it!

Just for curiosity's sake, I looked up some people from HS that I used to know. LOL. The hilarity of their profiles is unparalleled. They're still totally single, still desperate, still in crappy jobs, still living in the same crappy town. They've gone nowhere. Which is really funny for me since, to them, I was the screw up. I was the one being teased because I wasn't dating anyone, or that I had a sucky job, or whatever else they chose to find wrong with me.

The feeling of empowerment from such a realization -- that I was really a hell of a lot better off NOT knowing these people anymore -- was awesome enough that I got up the courage to look up some old boyfriends. You know, boyfriends who crushed me like a cockroach. The ones I dumped, well, I couldn't care less really... I knew then that I was better than they were. No, I'm talking about those boyfriends that you really felt something for. The ones where when they dumped you, you cried for months. And I looked them up.

You know what? I'm really glad I did. I am SO glad that I looked them up.

You know why? Because after seeing the shit that they have in their profiles, and seeing the things they said... I am beyond thrilled that they dumped me. They've grown up to be complete and total assholes! One of them (who's married now, btw -- poor woman... ) even admitted in his profile that the only reason he even set up the account was so that his friends could send him pics of naked chicks there. LMAO.

Right now, I am feeling better than I have in years. Really. Years!

This, honestly, is the absolute BEST therapy tool I have ever discovered.

And I never thought I'd say this, but...

MySpace? I love you!

1 comment:

  1. So are you going to share your ID with me so I can link to you and still not do shit with my own MySpace account?

