okay... for those of you demanding details [aurora... *ahem*]... TOUGH. lol. i am NOT gonna spill all that out on a blog... not only would i be embarassed as all hell, but he probably would be too... so i'm gonna compromise with y'all. i'll post the basics here, and for those of you who are desperate for anything more, i'll have an email that i can send to ya if ya ask for it REAL nice :P
[disclaimer: this is going to ramble, and be rather incoherrent as i am currently unable to think straight *grin*. oh yeah. lots of grinning too. you'll see *grin*]
so yesterday i get home [finally], and i'm so anxious about him calling that i dive straight into my homework to try and take my mind off of it. yes... i forgot about dinner... oops... but thats okay :) he said he was gonna call 'after nine' and he did. 3 minutes after. hehe *grin* we were on the phone til after midnight... and he kept me laughing, smiling and giggling the WHOLE TIME *grin* in fact, i went to bed with a HUGE grin on my face, woke up the same way, and have had that same grin on my face ALL of today :) i slept better than i have in years... so well that i didnt have to hit the snooze button on my alarm this morning. i am in heaven. and this is just after a phone call... imagine how i'll be when he's finally HERE... within reach... right there for me to see, and touch... *sighs happily -- still grinning* [yes, i know. i know. i'm hopeless. i dont care *grin*]
i havent been this happy in... well... ever. i havent ever laughed so much, or smiled so much either. i didnt think this kind of bliss was actually possible... i really didnt... i thought it was just a fairy tale... i was so wrong. and boy am i glad i was wrong *grin*
Yay. Pure and simple, yay.
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Glad to see things are swinging back your way.