Monday, November 01, 2004

who needs heavy metal...

with a jack hammer going full bore outside your window?

certainly not me. doesnt help because i cant hear my alt./punk rock and metal over that noise anyway. i swear, if its not one thing keeping me from working effectively, its another... first with the vibrations from the deconstruction next door, now someone is jack hammering underneath my office window. dont they know people are trying to WORK up here?? [yes, i am actually trying to work. my sloth has finally caught up from me, and i'm getting irate inquiries into why something hasnt been processed coming up in my email. and you know, theres only so many times you can say "i'm sorry, but i'm drowning in emergencies right now, i'll get to it when i can" before people stop believing you.]

so right now i'm digging through the pile of paperwork that has been languishing on my desk for a few weeks [okay, so i really HAVE had emergencies to deal with. i'm not THAT lazy. really.], and becoming more and more frustrated and overwhelmed. there is just too much work. more than any normal human being could possibly dream of finishing in a timely manner without working more overtime than normal hours.

i, of course, am NOT a normal human being, which means that true to form, i will get it done in just longer than a timely manner, without working a stitch of overtime, because we are not allowed overtime. [yes, you heard me. the department motto is "fuck productivity, we're not paying you shit to stay late. but oh yeah, you still have to finish 3 people's work in your normal 8 hours or we're gonna write you up."]

can we tell that i am a tad bitter today?

let me give you a clue why... today was pay day. [thats a good thing right? not necessarily.] and pay day, just serves to remind me how grossly underpaid, and unappreciated i am. i mean come ON... 2400 take home?? in the BAY AREA?? are they INSANE?? people cant LIVE on that as singles, let alone pay child support and court fees... shit just makes me wanna quit. except that quitting would mean that i'd have NO income. and well, that would just bite harder, eventhough i could really use the time off. and i've been putting my share into unemployment... oh wait. to get unemployment i have to be laid off or fired. well hell. there goes THAT idea. guess i'm stuck here until i get that degree.

blah. i hate my job sometimes. i'm even starting to hate the work. or at least, the amount of work... this is ridiculous.


  1. it's work, just work, yes, pays the bills and buys da good stuff, but it's just work. Try not to get it mixed up with real life. Do it, do it well, and keep both eyes open. Lame I know, but hopefully a little perspective. You be too smart to fail........specially for such a young one.

  2. Edge~

    thanks for that :) sometimes i forget that theres more to life than work and school :)
