Friday, October 01, 2004

my clothes are too big, again! dammit!

alright... so i'm an addict... i admit it... this blogging thing has me hooked. dont ask me why. maybe its that its fun to post my random thoughts and have people respond to them, or maybe i just like to see myself published on a website... fiik.

so i was just walking down the hall, and one of my friends here at work (we'll just call her S) says to me "hey there skinny!" which, i think is laughable, because i'm no where near skinny... even if i have lost about 30 lbs in the past 9 months... and then she proceeds to point out that the jeans i'm wearing are too big. well they are. i need to go out and buy a couple pairs of smaller ones AGAIN. you know, i know i shouldnt complain about that, but jeans are expensive, and its a strain on my wallet to have to go buy new ones every 3 or 4 months. and no, i cant just go buy the walmart specials... i'm too damned tall for them, and they never fit right anyway cuz my hips are so much wider than my waist.

I know, you're wondering "what? what the hell does this girl look like? and how hard can it be to find a pair of jeans that fits?" well... since i absolutely refuse to post a picture (i abhor pictures of myself, and only take them when specifically asked for one by someone i love dearly)... heres a brief run down on the physical me:

dark brown curly (or frizzy, depending on the day) hair
green eyes (they change color with my mood -- stay AWAY if they turn brown!!)
extremely fair skin (yes, i glow in the dark, thank you)
195lbs (was 225 in dec. 03)
38C/D (it so depends on the bra, i swear, why cant they make them all fit the same??)
38 waist (was 42 in dec. 03)
48 hips (dont even ask what THAT was in dec. 03, i wasnt brave enough to measure)
34 inseam (yes i'm ALL legs... lol)

alright... i think thats enough insight into how i look... gads... yes, y'all have my permission to run away screaming :P

gotta get back to work.


  1. you sound like a hottie! are you single? if so, you wanna hook up sometime? smart, beautiful, good job, any man would be lucky to have you! ...or woman, if yer bi. ;)

  2. thanks thanks, but i'm taken :P

  3. Haha! I run away screaming after every family event we go to together. Hahaha!

    -your shorter, smaller, more beautiful sister

    P.S. JUST KIDDING! *muah*

  4. LMAO. well the shorter part is right at least :P
