well i knew what i was going to write here... but in the time it took to bring up notepad (i type all my posts in notepad because a) blogger has a nasty tendency to eat my posts when i try to post them and b) i dont like how word tries to capitalize my lower cases, and fix my grammar -- word does not account for style, i swear) i seem to have forgotten what i wanted to say. maybe if i ramble on for a little bit i'll remember.
this seems to be a night for totally changing my mind. i was hungry. so i made [microwaved] dinner. now that its sitting in front of me, i seem to have lost my appetite. which is odd, cuz i know my blood sugar has fallen through the floor.
i cant seem to find anything good on television, to the point that i've resorted to watching "the women's entertainment channel" which is very non-typical for me.
and now i still cant remember what i wanted to write. i have a feeling it was kind of important, but i still cant put my finger on exactly what it was, so i guess i'll just give up for now and try it again later.
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